What are the benefits of avocado?


Avocados are stone fruit with a creamy texture that grow in warm climates. It is native to the Americas and from the laurel family. Scientifically, it is known as Persea Americana. They are nutritionally rich and mild flavour. Avocados are also known as alligator pears or butter fruit. This fruit is usually 7–20 cm (3–8 in) long, weighs between 100 and 1,000 g and has a large central seed, 5–6.4 cm. Avocados have numerous health benefits.

Benefits of avocado

Health benefits:

  • Avocados are high in fibre: Avocados are a rich source of fibre. It helps to improve digestion, reduces blood sugar spikes, and aids weight loss.
  • Lowers risk of heart diseases & and cholesterol: Avocado contains a natural plant sterol called beta-sitosterol. It help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and keep heart arteries and veins healthy.
  • Regulates blood pressure: Avocados are rich source of minerals like potassium and sodium. It keeps blood pressure stable.
  • Good for eye vision: Avocados are rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene. It is very beneficial for the eyes. The two phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin help minimize damage, including from ultraviolet light. 
  • Avocados prevents cancer: It prevents the growth of cancerous cells and cause the death of cancer cells. Avocados also helps to boost immunity.
  • Avocado aids weight loss: Avocados are rich in fibre and low in carbs which promote weight loss. Moreover avocados contains monosaturated fat which is healthy.
  • Avocado maintain healthy skin: Avocados are rich in beta-carotene that safeguards the skin from vsun damage. It also contains carotenoids that reduce UV-induced inflammation of the skin.

Avocado Nutrition Facts(100g):

  • Calories: 160
  • Fat: 14.7g
  • Sodium: 7mg
  • Carbohydrates: 8.5g
  • Fiber: 6.7g
  • Sugars: 0.7g
  • Protein: 2g
  • Magnesium: 29mg
  • Potassium: 485mg
  • Vitamin C: 10mg
  • Vitamin E: 2.1mg
  • Vitamin K: 21mcg


Is it good to eat an avocado every day?

An avocado a day is good for the heart health. It has a wide range of nutrients and have various health benefits.

Do avocados help burn belly fat?

Avocados are packed with monounsaturated fats which helps fat burning and scorch calories after eating.

Is avocado good for skin and hair?

Avocados are great for the skin. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, useful for dry and sensitive skin types. Moreover avocados are rich source of biotin that help hair grow more healthily. Avocado oil can help hair look smooth and shiny and prevent it from breakage.

What is the best time to eat avocado?

It can be consumed any time of the day. Consumption during the day will improve blood flow and lower blood sugar and while eating it at night may help sleep better.

What are the side effects of avocado?

Avocados contain substances called polyols or sorbitol which are carbohydrates. It may affect people who have sensitive stomachs or irritable bowel syndrome. The symptoms includes bloating, diarrhea or pain in the gut.

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Visit Ottamoolist.com for ayurvedic treatment methods for different types of headaches.


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