What are the health benefits of yam?


What are the health benefits of yam? Yam is the general name of a plant species in the Dioscoea genus. They grows under the soil in the form of tubers and it is consumed as cooked starch vegetables.

It is mostly cultivated in tropical and temperate regions like South America, Africa, Asia Caribbeans, etc..

Traditional cooking gives very much importance to yam and it can be simply consumed by baking, boiling, roasting steaming or frying.

Nutritional Content in Yam:-

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Dietary fiber
  • Protein
  • Vitamin C, D and B6
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
What are the health benefits of yam?
What are the health benefits of yam?

What are the health benefits of yam?

  • Rich in anti-inflammatory agents and anti-oxidants that helps to control many serious diseases like heart diseases, stomach ulcers, etc..
  • May enhance memory and brain function.
  • Alleviate symptoms of menopause.
  • Have anti-cancer effects.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve blood sugar control.
  • Control cholesterol levels.
  • Powerhouse of nutritions that have good amount of carbons, proteins, copper, magnesium fibre, vitamin A and C.
  • Appropriate for weight loss as yam reduces appetite.
  • Helps to control cholestrol in blood.
  • Starch in the yam is very easily digestable.

Note: Over eating of yam will leads to potassium toxicity and there by occurence of heart attack.

Excessive eating of yam will causes stomach pain and diarrhoea.

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Note: If you have any preexisting conditions always recommend you consult with your doctor before doing any home remedy and treat yourself.

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