What are the Benefits of Bananas?


What are the Benefits of Bananas? Banana (scientifically known as Musa Acuminata) one of the most popular fruit in the world, is a long edible fruit that belongs to the Musaceae family. It grows on plants called musa (also called as musella or tusete) that are considered as herbs. There are different varieties of bananas available all over the world like cavendish banana, red banana, lady finger banana, etc and generally bananas are considered as a beryy. Yellow bananas have sweet flavour and they are used in making many delicious dishes. India, Ecuador and China are the main places in which bananas are cultivated largely. Bananas show many health benefits and their natural radio active content makes them unique in fruit kingdom.

What are the Benefits of Bananas?
What are the Benefits of Bananas?

What are the Benefits of Bananas?

Improves Heart Health :

Bananas contain low amount of sodium and high amount of potassium. This controls blood pressure level and thus it helps to improve heart health.

Good for Digestion :

Pectin content in bananas helps in better digestion. Also it helps in absorbing nutrients from the food we eat.

Rich fiber content in bananas helps in constipation.

For Better Sleep :

High amount of tryptophan in banana can be converted to seratonin and this helps in getting better sleep.

Rich in Vitamin B :

Vitamin B content in banana is essential for effective metabolism.

Vitamin B6 in banana helps to strengthern central nervous system, protect against type 2 diabetes and promote the production of White Blood Cells.

For Weight Loss :

The resistant starch content in banana makes the feeling of fullness, thus it leads to hunger less and there by reduces weight.

Improves Kidney Health :

High amount of potassium in banana helps in maintaining our kidney stay healthy and also it prevents the occurance of kidney stones in women.

Anti-oxidant Contents :

Different types of anti-oxidants present in bananas are helpful in removing free radicals from our body and also help us to stay young and beautiful.

Good for Athelets :

Due to high mineral contents and digestive carbs in banana, it is considered as a good atheletic food.

It also helps in reducing muscles cramps that athelets usually face.

Side Effects :

Although banana offfers many advantages, it also has some side effects.

  • Eating banana can trigger migraine headache in individuals who already have migraine issues.
  • Over-consumption of banana can leads to hyperkalemia in adults.
  • Due to the starch content in banana, eating banana can cause tooth decay if we do not maintain proper dental hygiene. Because starch content in bananas dissolves very slowly. So the starch particle lies between the teeth and thus leads to bacterial attack to the tooth.
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