What are the benefits of mangoes ?


What are the benefits of mangoes ? Mango (scientifically called as, Mangifera Indica), the National fruit of India and Pakistan is the one that most of the people likes to eat. There are many varieties of mangoes cultivated in India and it is generally called as the king of fruits in India because of its nutritional values. Besides India, the other mango cultivating countries are Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Thailand, etc.

Mangoes can be consumed as either raw/green or ripen form. Ripe mangoes are very pulpy, juicy and sweet in taste. But, raw mangoes are not sweet as ripe ones and they have a soar taste with a harder flesh inside.

Nutritional content:

  • Potassium
  • Dietary fiber
  • Protein
  • Iron
  • Vitamin E, C, D, K, B6
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Anti-oxidants
What are the benefits of mangoes ?
What are the benefits of mangoes ?

What are the benefits of mangoes ?

Better for Heart Health:

Rich content of anti-oxidants, fibers, vitamins, and proteins in mangoes helps to stay heart healthy and lowers risk of chronic illness like heart attack, heart diseases and stroke due to its healthy cholestrol level.

Skin Care:

Due to vitamin C and A content, mangoes prevents aging of skin and keeps skin healthy.

Benefits for Eye:

Good for promoting eye sight, prevents dry eyes and night blindness as it is an excellent source of vitamin A.

Brain Health:

Vitamin B6 content in mangoes helps to enhances memory and cognition.

Lowers Cholestrol:

Dietary fibers and vitamin C content helps to reduce bad cholestrol.

Prevents Cancer:

Anti-cancer properties of mango are very much beneficial in preventing breast, colon and prostate cancers.

Regulation of Blood Pressure:

High amount of potassium helps in maintaining blood pressure.

Fight against Anemia:

Iron content in mango enhances production of RBCs there by reducing risk of anemia.

Immune Boosting:

The vitamin A, E and C content in mango enhances immunity and increases WBCs in body.

Advantages of eating raw mangoes:

What are the benefits of mangoes ?
Advantages of Raw mangoes
  • Raw mango is low in calories and rich in fiber content that helps for weight managment.
  • Improves hormonal system due to vitamin A and E content in raw mangoes.
  • Its calcium, magnesium and vitamin C content helpful in releasing toxic substances from body.
  • Amylase and fiber content in raw mangoes stabilize digestion and avoid indigestion and constipation.

Side Effects of Mangoes:

Over eating of raw mango will leads to diarrhoea, stomach pain and throat allergy.

Diabeteic patients should avoid eating too much ripen mangoes due to its high sugar content.

Visit Ottamoolist.com for ayurvedic treatment methods

Click here to see health benefits of other fruits and vegetables.

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