What are the benefits of strawberries?


What are the benefits of strawberries – strawberry is a delicious and tasty fruit. Besides it contains a rich source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. Moreover it helps to Prevent crucial health conditions like diabetics heart deceases, cancer and others..

What are the benefits of strawberries
What are the benefits of strawberries

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation can caused a number of problems in the body-chronic inflammation has even been linked to serious conditions such as stroke, heart attacks and cancer. Strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties that can help promote all    around well being.

Improve Digestion

You probably know fiber is a key nutrient for your digestive system, and fiber-rich strawberries are a great way to get a little extra in your diet. They also have a high water content, besides so they’ll keep things moving and help prevent constipation.

Manage High Blood Pressure

Strawberries are high in potassium, which helps them negate the effects of sodium in the body. (These delicious foods can help lower blood pressure, too.) Even if you don’t have high blood pressure, you can probably benefit from more potassium—only around 2 percent of Americans meet the recommended daily intake of this key nutrient!

Soften Your Skin

This two-ingredient DIY face mask will leave your skin feeling refreshed. Mix two or three mashed strawberries with two tablespoons of honey, then spread on your skin. Let it work its magic for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Regulate Blood Sugar

Strawberries have a lower glycemic index than other fruits ,  making them helpful when it comes to regulating blood sugar levels. Studies have even shown that eating strawberries every day can reduce complications related to diabetes.

Supports a Healthy Pregnancy

One of the most commonly recommended supplements for pregnant women is folate or folic acid and however which is instrumental in a baby’s development. Happily, strawberries are a great natural source of this nutrient—one cup of fresh berries has around 40 micrograms of folate!

Picture courtesy:-https://images.app.goo.gl/5f7c1eF7kqMr1zBT6

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