fever remedies , Home remedy to reduce fever , Home remedy to reduce fever at home , how to reduce 104 fever in child? , How to reduce fever at home for child , How to reduce fever in child , How to reduce fever in child naturally at night , How to reduce fever in toddler , natural home remedies , reduce fever at home for child
Answer ( 1 )
1. Drink a cup of hot ginger tea, which induces sweating. To make the tea, take a half-teaspoon minced ginger root in 1 cup just-boiled water. Strain and drink it.
2. Drink a cup of yarrow tea. Put a tablespoon of herb in a cup of freshly boiled water for 10 minutes. Cool it and drink a cup or two until you start to sweat.
3. Drink elderflower tea. To make elderflower tea, mix two teaspoons of the herb in a cup of boiled water and let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain out the elderflower. Drink three times a day as long as the fever continues.
4. Willow bark is a natural alternative to Aspirin and can help ease a headache.
5. Orange juice and other fruit juices rich in vitamin C are good choices, since the vitamin C assists your immune system in fighting off infection.