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Health Benefits of Chana Dal

Health Benefits of Chana Dal – The most well-known lentil dish (or “Dal”) in Pakistan and India is chana dal. It also goes by the names split chickpeas or baby chickpeas. It has a delightful nutty flavour and is known as besan or gramme flour after being ground. Various mouthwatering dishes use the flour and dal as ingredients. Chana dal is very nourishing. Here are some health benefits of Chana Dal :

Nutritional Properties of Chana Dal

  • Calories 252
  • Total Fat 4.5g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat 1.8g
  • Monosaturated Fat 0.9g
  • Sodium 387mg
  • Potassium 199mg
  • Total Carbohydrates 42g
  • Dietary Fibre 11g
  • Sugars 7.3g
  • Protein 13g
  • Iron 9.9% of the recommended daily value
  • Calcium 6% of the recommended daily value

Health Benefits of Chana Dal

Improve Heart Health

Chana dal reduces inflammation and the damage that free radicals do to the blood vessels because of its high antioxidant content. Your blood vessels will be greatly relaxed by the magnesium in chana dal, which in turn will aid to regulate the beating of your heart.

Weight Management

Because chana dal is free of fat and cholesterol, it can aid in weight loss. Due to the high fibre content of raw chana dal, you will feel fuller for longer and eat less. Consequently, the amount of calories consumed decreases.

Boosts Immunity

Due to the high protein content of chana dal, our immune system is boosted, strengthened, and made ready to combat any illnesses or infections that may arise.

Control Diabetes

Chana dal with its high fibre value slowly releases glucose into the bloodstream and thus helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Strong Bone and Teeth

Rich in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which are all essential minerals for strengthening our bones and teeth.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Due to its high antioxidant content, chana dal lessens inflammation and the harm caused by free radicals to the blood vessels.

Skin Health

It’s excellent for the skin, immune system-boosting, a potent antioxidant, and it plays a role in hormone and energy metabolism.

Increase RBC Level

Hana dal’s high folic acid content aids in reducing the risk of brain and spinal cord birth abnormalities in children. Additionally, folic acid is essential for the production of red blood cells.

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