What are the Benefits of Eggfruit?


What are the Benefits of Eggfruit? Canistel fruit, generally known as egg fruit (scientifically called as Pouteria Campechiana) belongs to the Sapotaceae family, has a sweet flavour when it gets ripen and a creamy texture like avocado. Western Ghats of South India, tropical regions of South East Asia and Malaysia are the main places in which egg fruits are largely cultivated. It has a yellowish- orange color with a flesh similar to a boiled egg yolk and generally contains a single large seed. Usually egg fruit is consumed as fresh and also used for cooking.

Egg fruit contains various nutrients and it is considered as a super food among fruits.

What are the Benefits of Eggfruit?
What are the Benefits of Eggfruit?

What are the Benefits of Eggfruit?

Lowering Cholesterol :

Excellent source of soluble fiber in egg fruit helps in reducing bad cholesterol from the body.

For Better Digestion :

Soluble fiber content in egg fruit helps in better digestion and also promotes normal bowel movement.

Treatment for Arthritis :

Anti-inflammatory properties in egg fruit act effectively against arthritis.

Prevention for Cancer :

Anti-oxidants in egg fruit prevents the growth of cancerous cells and also vitamin B complex is effective in fighting against cancer.

Rich Content of Minerals :

Minerals like calcium and phosphorus helps in nurturing bone health. Iron content in egg fruit is important for the production of Red Blood Cells.

Prevention of Fatal and Chronic Diseases :

Anti-oxidants called Polyphenols present in egg fruit are important in reducing the chances of chronic and fatal diseases like obesity, cancer and heart diseases.

Beta-Carotene Content :

The yellowish- orange colour of egg fruit is due to the presence of Beta-Carotene present in it. This element is further converted into Vitamin-A and this is important for hair and eye health. Vitamin-A prevents degenerative diseases like AMD and cataract. Also it provides clear vision during night.

Volume and shine of the hair can be enhanced by Vitamin-A content present in egg fruit.

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Home remedy for hair fall and hair loss.

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Visit Ottamoolist.com for ayurvedic treatment methods


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