What are the benefits of yogurt?


What are the benefits of yogurt? Yogurt is a healthy dietary food. Besides it is a rich source of calories. Moreover the calcium it contains helps to the development of bones .

What are the benefits of olives
What are the benefits of yogurt?

1.Beautiful and healthy skin

Firstly curd has a moisturizing effect on your skin and it heals your dry skin naturally. A lot of people suffer from acne due to certain gastrointestinal problems. Curd helps in marinating a happy and active gut which leads to healthy skin.

2.Reduces high blood pressure

A research presented at the High Blood Pressure. Research Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (AHA) showed that people who ate more non-fat yogurt were 31 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure than others. The special proteins in yogurt along with nutrients like potassium and magnesium help in lowering high blood pressure and promoting a healthy heart.

3.Stronger immunity

The live active cultures found in yogurt fight disease-causing germs and keep your gut and intestinal tract protected. A scientific study conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Vienna in Austria found that eating a 7-ounce dose of yogurt (about 200 grams) was just as effective in boosting immunity as popping pills.

4 .Good for the bones

A cup of yogurt (250grams) contains about 275mg of calcium as per the United States Department of Agriculture. A daily dose of calcium not only helps in maintaining bone density but also strengthens them. However it is low in fat and calories and thus, may also help in keeping your weight in check .

5.Good for digestion

Lastly, yogurt or curd is a great probiotic (an ingredient that contains live bacteria). These are good and beneficial bacteria are known to improve gut activity, secondly soothe inflamed digestive systems and treat an upset stomach.

Please check out some ottamoolies here

Picture courtesy:- https://images.app.goo.gl/kEFzGTUZb4ELAvJWA


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