What is Kodo Millet?


What is Kodo Millet? Indian Himalayan millet, commonly known as kodo millet or cow grass, is a native and incredibly healthy cereal. It is referred to as Paspalum scrobiculatum in science and is a member of the Pocaeae family.

Its colouration ranges from dark brown to blackish brown, and it has an alkaline composition. This warm-season crop matures in 120 days and only needs a small amount of water to do so.

Kodo millet’s smell deters wild birds from attacking our crops; therefore, it can also be used as a natural fence around them. Kodo millet is commonly grown in Nepal, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, West Africa, and Vietnam.

In India, Kodo millet is mostly grown in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan. There are other names for it, including Kodon in Hindi, Varagu in Malayalam and Tamil, and Kodra in Punjab, Gujarat, and Marathi.

It is an excellent alternative to wheat and rice because it is very nutritious and cooks in a fraction of the time. If we eat Kodo millet at least once a day, it can help us to prevent numerous lifestyle disorders like diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and hypertension. Because of its nutrition and advantages, it was once a staple food for the underprivileged.

Since this millet has a sweet and bitter flavour, we can use it to produce porridge, upmaav, idli, dosas, snacks, and biscuits.

What is Kodo Millet?
Kodo Millet

What is Kodo Millet?

  • Kodo millet is gluten-free; therefore, those who are intolerant to it can consume it without risk.
  • The lecithin content of this millet strengthens the neurological system in our bodies.
  • Due to its high fibre content, it aids in preventing issues like bloating, constipation, and gallstone formation when consumed.
  • Kodo millet’s iron and folic acid content aid in the treatment of anaemia.
  • By keeping our minds sharp thanks to its serotonin content, this millet can help us have a good night’s sleep.
  • Beneficial for treating all blood and bone marrow disorders, such as raising platelet levels to normal levels and cleaning the marrow, by the consumption of this millet.
  • The combination of carbohydrates and fibre slows the release of glucose into the blood, regulating blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
  • Additionally, Kodo millet strengthens the heartbeat, lowers blood pressure, and dissolves cholesterol that has built up in the blood.
  • Best millet for weight loss because of its high protein, minimal fat, and extremely high fibre content. This inhibits overeating by making a person feel fuller for a long time.
  • Kodo millets contain antioxidants that are extremely effective at eliminating free radicals in the body and promoting wound healing.
  • This millet can help postmenopausal women improve their health and lose excess weight.


  • Kodo millets contain water-soluble minerals and vitamins, so washing them numerous times can cause them to lose some of their benefits. Therefore, wash it gently a few times but thoroughly to remove pollutants.
  • Avoid eating this millet if you have thyroid problems or constipation.
  • Soak it for at least 5–6 hours before using it.
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