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Home remedies for mouth ulcer

Home remedies for mouth ulcer :-Mouth ulcers are very common thing .It is painful areas in the mouth and gums. In some cases they are also seen on the cheeks tongue and lips.Mouth ulcers are often caused by scratch , allergy or bacterial infection. Some times high fever also couses it.Mouth ulcer is not that dangerous but it is very painful.During these times eating and chewing is very difficult.

How to cure mouth ulcer Easily

Here are some simple tips for mouth ulcer

1.Add honey to gooseberry juice and hold it in your mouth .

gooseberry :-It contain Vitamin C.It regulates body temperature.This provide quick relief and healing.

honey :- It has antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties. It can instantly give you relief from pain.

2.Grind nutmeg and soak it in honey and apply to the affected areas.

nutmeg:- helps to faster healing of the ulcers.

3.Make a decoction of karinechi leaves.Then hold it in your mouth with little heat .

karinechi leaves:-It helps to heal the ulcer .

4. Crushed the cloves and boiled the water taken in the mouth will cure the mouth ulcer.

cloves:- It helps to stop the growth of bacteria ,it contains antibacterial properties.

5. Grind mint leaves and eat them mixed with butter milk .

mint leaves :-mint helps to freshen your mouth and preventing bacterial growth.It contains methanol and many vitamins .

6. Grind black pepper along with neem leaves and mix it with sour milk and eat it daily in the morning and evening.

neem leaves :– neem is acting as antiseptic in case of ulcers.

black pepper :- black pepper is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant helps to restrict ulcers.

sour milk:- Faster healing the ulcers.

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A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and grow your knowledge. No side effects is the biggest advantage of natural healing techniques. issues such as dependency, risk of complications and side effects bring along by chemical medications. In addition to all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and in many cases, they work much better.

Note: If you have any preexisting conditions always recommend you consult with your doctor before doing any home remedy and treat yourself.
