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Home remedies for pimples

Home remedies for pimples:- pimples are a common skin condition. It is a major beauty problem faced by men and women alike. This is due to changes in hormones. Pimples start to appear in the Teenage years. Overproduction of oil and the spread of bacteria increases pimples .

Home remedies for pimples or Acne
Home remedies for pimples or Acne

There are some simple tips for this problem.

1.Make a paste by mixing turmeric with water, and apply it on your face at night before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning with cold or hot water. If you do this regularly, pimples will reduce.

Health Benefits of Turmeric
Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric:- It can give you glowing skin, reduce pimple spots and prevent pimples.

2.Applying the juice of crushed basil leaves on your face regularly ,will give you good relief from pimples.

Basil leaves/Tulsi:- It helps purify the blood and remove toxins and bacteria from the skin.

3. Mix musk turmeric and red sandalwood in lemon juice. Apply on the face for an hour then wash off.

musk turmeric:-Reduce tan, reduce acne and scares. Helps to have glowing skin.

Red sandalwood:- It is very effective in treating blemishes, rashes, and acne.

It also helps in the removal of tan.

lemon:- increases skin sensitivity and excessive dryness

4. Always wash your face with boiled water with Arya neem leaves.

Neem leaves:-neem is an ayurvedic immunity booster.

Increase face circulation around the face area. improves skin tone and eliminates blackheads.

5. Equal amount of cucumber juice and milk cream, make a paste and apply it three or four times a day, on the acne-affected area continuously.

cucumber :- cucumber contains vitamin c iron and folic acid. It makes the face glow and helps to get rid of pimples.

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Who we are and what do we do?

A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and grow your knowledge. No side effects is the biggest advantage of natural healing techniques. issues such as dependency, risk of complications and side effects bring along by chemical medications. In addition to all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and in many cases, they work much better.

Note: If you have any preexisting conditions always recommend you consult with your doctor before doing any home remedy and treat yourself.

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