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How to Grow Eyelashes Thicker and Longer at Home Naturally?

How to Grow Eyelashes Thicker and Longer at Home Naturally??

The eyelashes shield the eyes from grit, dust, and other foreign objects. 

They not only serve as a barrier to protect your eyes, but they also instantly enhance your eye makeup. 

Length lashes instantly improve your appearance and highlight your features in addition to making you  look really stunning.

If you are trying to grow longer lashes naturally, there are some home remedies, natural ways that may work for you.

1. Caster Oil

Castor oil’s main ingredient, ricinoleic acid, accounts for around 90% of its composition. 

The ability of this acid to treat hair loss has been demonstrated. 

As a result, it might also be a different choice for keeping your lashes thick.

A couple cotton swabs and 1 teaspoon of cold-pressed castor oil are required. 

Cleanse your eyelashes completely with water and pat them dry with a gentle cleanser before adding  castor oil. 

Apply cold-pressed castor oil to the cotton swab and run it down your upper and lower lash lines. 

Keep the oil out of your eyes. 

Use the oil at night, then wash it off in the morning.

2. Coconut Oil

Because of its penetrating quality, which helps stop the loss of hair proteins,

coconut oil is utilised for hair care. As a result, it can be applied to cure and promote

the growth of eyelashes that are thinning or damaged.

Use coconut oil with caution, though, since it may create an oily coating that

weighs down your lashes. A lot of cotton swabs and 1 teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil

are required. Cleanse your lashes with baby shampoo and water, then pat them dry

before applying the oil. Apply coconut oil along your upper and lower lash lines with a cotton

swab after dipping it in the oil.

3. Green Tea

Epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol abundant in green tea, may aid in promoting hair growth. 

As a result, it might also promote the development of your lashes.

You’ll need 1 cup of hot water and 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves (or 1 tea bag). 

Combine the two ingredients, then steep for five to ten minutes. 

Drink the heated liquid after straining it. 

Moreover, you can use a cotton swab to apply the cooled tea directly to your upper and lower lash lines. 

Use the tea topically once daily and ingest it twice daily.

4. Vitamin E

Strong antioxidant vitamin E can aid in reducing the oxidative damage contributing to an increase in hair  loss. 

Also, it includes tocotrienol components, which could contribute to a growth in hair strands. 

Hence, it might help eyelashes grow longer.

Your lashes can receive a topically administered dose of vitamin E. 

Even using it as an oral supplement is safe. 

But first, consult your doctor about the proper dosage before beginning to take the supplements.

5. Vaseline

Your eyelids can be moisturised with Vaseline (petroleum jelly), which can also aid in getting rid of eyelash

mites and stop future harm to the lashes.

There are no research on its capacity to promote eyelash development, nevertheless.

Use a cotton swab to apply petroleum jelly to the upper and lower eyelids as needed.

Be careful not to get any in your eyes. The following morning, rinse it off after leaving it on overnight.

6. Olive Oil

Oleuropein is a phenolic substance found in olive oil. 

It was proven to promote hair development in a rat research. 

Hence, it might help eyelashes grow longer.

You’ll need a few cotton swabs and three to four drops of olive oil. 

Use a cotton ball dipped in a few drops of olive oil on your upper and lower lashes. 

After applying the oil for 5 to 10 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

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A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and enhance your knowledge. No side effects are the significant advantage of natural healing techniques. Natural healing techniques can reduce issues such as dependency and risks of complications. Besides, all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and often, they work much better.

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