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Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts – Brussels sprouts are a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, which also includes kale, collard greens, broccoli, and cauliflower. They are spherical, green, and about 1 to 2 inches across, with closely packed leaves. A natural, sulfur-based chemical that is abundant in Brussels sprouts. This substance might lessen DNA damage, which increases the risk of developing cancer. Additionally, it might prevent tumours from forming new blood vessels. Consuming a lot of cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, may help prevent malignancies of the stomach, lungs, kidneys, breast, bladder, and prostate. Brussels sprouts and other crunchy vegetables may help you avoid various health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes. Additionally, Brussels sprouts contain carotenoids, which are good for your eyes..

Nutritional Properties of Brussels Sprouts

  • 37.8 calories
  • 0.264 g of fat
  • 7.88 g of carbohydrate
  • 2.97 g of protein
  • Vitamin C 83.11%
  • Vitamin K-1 130%
  • Vitamin B-6 14.85%
  • Folate 13.43%
  • Potassium 7.28%

Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

Good for Skin

In the form of beta-carotene, Brussels sprouts are a good source of provitamin A, which is essential for having healthy skin. In addition to protecting against free radical damage, vitamin C is required for the creation of collagen, a protein that supports skin suppleness and strength. This can smooth out the skin’s surface and lessen wrinkles.

Manage Diabetes

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant present in Brussels sprouts. Supplementation with this substance showed promise in reducing blood glucose levels, improving insulin sensitivity, and protecting diabetics from the effects of oxidative stress.

Bone Strength

Brussels sprouts are a fantastic calcium provider. Calcium is necessary for healthy bone growth and strength. Vitamin K, which is abundant in Brussels sprouts, may strengthen your bones and help you stay healthy.

Prevents Birth Defects

The natural nutrient folate, which is necessary for avoiding several birth abnormalities, is found in Brussels sprouts. Eating foods rich in folate will help prevent problems in your baby’s brain and spine in addition to taking prenatal vitamins.

Promote Eye Health

Carotenoids, which are elements that your body may transform into vitamin A, are abundant in Brussels sprouts. Eating foods high in carotenoids is linked to better eye health and reducing blue light eye damage.

Prevents Cancer

Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants, compounds that contribute to healthier cells and a lower risk of cancer. 

Enhance Heart Health

The healthful components found in abundance in Brussels sprouts include vitamin C, which reduces the chance of developing chronic cardiovascular disease.

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