Does crying have any health benefits?


Crying is a natural human response to emotions such as sadness, grief, excitement, and frustration. But are there any health benefits to crying? People often underestimate how often both sexes cry. In the US, men cry 1.9 times a month on average, compared to 3.5 times a month on average for women. Surprisingly, humans are the only animals that cry tears. If you’re curious about why we cry and the health benefits of crying, you’ve come to the perfect place.

Why do people cry?

Tears are produced by humans in three varieties:

  1. Basal: Every time a person blinks, the tear ducts generate basil tears, which are protein-rich antimicrobial liquids that serve to keep the eyes moist.
  2. Reflex tears: These are tears caused by irritants like wind, smoke, or onions. They are secreted to flush these irritants out of the eye and protect it.
  3. emotional: humans cry in reaction to a variety of emotions. These tears have a higher concentration of stress chemicals than other types of tears. People commonly refer to emotional tears when they talk about crying.

People may try to suppress their emotions if they perceive them as a sign of weakness, but a study suggests that doing so may result in a number of benefits being missed. Researchers have discovered that crying has numerous key benefits.

What are the health benefits of crying?

Does crying have any health benefits?


Self-soothing is the process by which individuals control their own emotions, relax, and lessen their own distress. Crying has been shown to have a direct self-soothing effect on humans. Crying triggers the parasympathetic nervous system to activate, allowing people to relax.

Seek help from others

Crying, in addition to assisting people in self-soothing, can also assist people in receiving support from those around them. According to studies, crying is primarily an attachment behavior since it generates support from those around us. This is regarded as a social or interpersonal benefit.

Aids in pain relief

According to a study, crying over something emotionally upsetting can also make you feel better about yourself since it releases endorphins and oxytocin. These molecules make people feel good and may also help relieve physical and emotional discomfort. Crying can serve to alleviate discomfort and enhance a sense of well-being.

Enhances mood

People’s moods can be raised and their bodies may feel better by crying. Oxytocin and endorphins can boost mood as well as relieve pain. This is why they are frequently referred to as “feel good” chemicals.

Promotes sleep

Crying can help newborns sleep better. It remains to be seen whether sobbing has the same sleep-inducing impact on adults. However, the relaxing, mood-enhancing, and pain-relieving effects of crying mentioned above may help a person go to sleep more quickly.

Releases toxins and reduces tension

Human tears contain a variety of stress hormones and other substances when they cry in reaction to stress. Researchers think that crying might lower the body’s levels of these substances, which might then lessen stress.

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