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7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

Constipation is a condition that affects the gastrointestinal tract and makes it challenging to pass faeces. Everyone has different regular bowel movements, but if it’s been two or three days since you last passed stool, you can be constipated. Constipation can be addressed in a variety of ways. It might be helpful to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, drink more water, and give yourself plenty of time to use the loo. You may need to make some preparations before stimulating the digestive system. To alleviate constipation, you may need to add a laxative to your diet. One of the simplest and most efficient home remedies for treating constipation is eating fruits high in laxatives. Here are a list of 7 fruits that helps to fight and treat constipation.


1. Kiwi

7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

Kiwis have a high water retention capacity as well as a high viscosity, which aids in faecal bulking and softening and promotes gut motility and thereby aiding constipation.

2. Citrus fruits

7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, can ease constipation.They contain soluble fibre in the form of pectin, which helps with constipation. In addition, citrus fruits contain the flavonoid naringenin, which has laxative properties.

3. Prunes

7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

Prunes, commonly known as dried plums, contain the natural laxative sorbitol and are a good source of insoluble fibre. It also include phytonutrients and sorbitol, both of which help to assist gastrointestinal function. Additionally, they possess prebiotic qualities, which means they provide the food for the good bacteria that live in our intestines. consequently, eating or drinking prune juice can aid with constipation.

4. Pears

7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

Pears are high in fibre and include natural laxatives such fructose and sorbitol. The fruit has a tonne of fibre and water, which can aid in constipation, along with a wealth of vitamins and antioxidants.

5. Apples

7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

Apples are an easy method to increase your fibre intake and relieve constipation. Pectin, a form of soluble fibre found in apples, can soften stools and speed up their transit through the digestive system.

6. Figs

7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

Dried figs are an excellent laxative. The high fibre content of dried figs can contribute to a smooth bowel movement. These are also a good source of vitamin B6, which helps digestion indirectly.

7. Bael fruit

7 Fruits To Fight Constipation

An effective Ayurvedic treatment for constipation is the pulp of the bael (wood apple) fruit.
Since it has a laxative effect, it can aid in the management of constipation by loosening the stools. Constipation can be effectively treated by regularly consuming Bael juice with a pinch of salt and pepper.

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A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and enhance your knowledge. No side effects are the significant advantage of natural healing techniques. Natural healing techniques can reduce issues such as dependency and risks of complications. Besides, all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and often, they work much better.

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