What are the health benefits of peanut oil?


Peanut oil also known as groundnut oil. It is a vegetable oil extracted from peanuts. Peanut oil is a popular oil used in cooking and frying. The oil has a mild or neutral flavor. Roasted peanuts have nice flavour and aroma. It is high in monounsaturated “good” fat and low in saturated “bad” fat. Peanuts have several health benefits.

Health benefits of peanut oil

Health benefits:

  • Prevents Arthritis: Peanut has high anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to relieve joint pain by reducing inflammation in the joints.
  • Helps in reducing the risk of cancer: Peanut oil contains phytochemicals and vitamin E. They are natural antioxidants and help reduce inflammation. Moreover it prevents different forms of cancer.
  • Helps in hair growth: The vitamin E present in peanut will boost the hair follicles, reduce the effect of any damage and prevents dandruff.
  • Lowers Cholesterol: The monounsaturated fats in peanut oil helps to lower the LDL cholesterol. It helps to reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Boosts Blood Circulation: The prostaglandins in ground nut oil is important for several vital functions like the contraction and dilation of blood vessels and other muscles.

Is peanut oil better than olive oil?

Both oils contain Vitamin E. But olive oil contains additional healthy compounds, vitamins and minerals. So olive oil offers more health benefits than peanut oil.

Peanut oil good for health or not?

Peanut oil is loaded with vitamin E. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects against chronic disease. Moreover it contains healthy fat content which is good for the health.

Is peanut oil healthy for frying?

The monounsaturated fat in peanut oil is good for health. A refined peanut oil is perfect for frying.

Does peanut oil have omega-3 fatty acids?

Peanut oil contains 20% saturated fat, 50% monounsaturated fat (MUFA) and 30% polyunsaturated fat (PUFA). The type of monounsaturated fat found in peanut oil are oleic acid or omega-3.

Is peanut oil good for cholesterol?

Peanut oil is high in monounsaturated fat (good fat). This helps prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol.

Is peanut oil better than sunflower oil?

Peanut oil contains more zinc and iron and sunflower oil possesses more of vitamin E and vitamin K. So both have the essential minerals and vitamins in common.

Is peanut oil good for diabetics?

Peanut oil is important for managing diabetes. It helps control blood sugar levels and balance cholesterol levels.

Is peanut oil LDL or HDL?

Peanut oil is high in healthy monounsaturated fat HDL(high-density lipoprotein). The oil can help lower the LDL cholesterol levels. It can reduce the risk of developing heart disease or a stroke.

Is peanut oil a seed oil?

Peanut oil is a vegetable-derived oil made from the edible seeds of the peanut plant.

What are the benefits of cold-pressed groundnut oil?

  • Boosts Skin Health
  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity
  • Promotes Heart Health
  • Loaded With Antioxidants
  • Fight Cancer

How peanut oil benefits skin?

The Vitamin E in peanut oil help fight aging free radicals. It moisturize the skin, looks and feels softer, smoother, and radiant. It also helps relieve skin of minor irritations, redness etc.

What are the disadvantages of peanut oil?

Peanut oil is high in omega-6 fatty acids. Too much intake of these fats may increase the risk of certain diseases. 

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