What are the benefits of fennel seeds?


Fennel is a flowering plant species in the carrot family. It is a hardy, perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. They have a sweet flavor. Fennel seeds can be used in all types of food. They are low in calories and contains many essential nutrients. Fennel seeds has many health benefits.

Nutritional profile of fennel seeds(6 grams):

  • Calories: 19.8
  • Fibre: 2.3 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 3 grams
  • Protein: 0.9 grams
  • Fat: 0.6 grams
  • Cholesterol: 0 grams

Benefits of fennel seeds

  • Helps to regulate blood pressure: Fennel seeds are rich in potassium. It helps to control your heart rate and blood pressure. The nitrite content in fennel seeds keeps a check on blood pressure levels.
  • Improves digestive health: Fennel seeds contain anethole, fenchone and estragole. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It works good for constipation, indigestion and bloating.
  • Weight Loss: Eating fennel seeds reduces appetite and significantly reduces overeating.
  • Improve eyesight: It contains vitamin A. This is an essential vitamin for the eyes. Fennel seed extract is also used to treat glaucoma.
  • Prevent cancer: Fennel seeds contains powerful antioxidant properties. The anethole compound in fennel seed prevents the development of cancer.


How many fennel seeds one can consume in a day?

About 1 teaspoon (6 grams) of dried whole fennel seeds.

What happens if we drink fennel water daily?

Fennel seed water is very effective when consumed on an empty stomach. It is high in vitamins and minerals and acts as a blood purifier.

Can fennel seeds reduce belly fat?

Yes, it helps to boost weight loss. Fennel seeds are a rich source of fibre, antioxidants and minerals that helps for burning fat.

What are the side effects of fennel seeds?

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Itchy or swollen skin

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