What are the Benefits of Gooseberry juice?


What are the Benefits of Gooseberry Juice? Gooseberry is also known as “Amala” . It has many medicinal properties. Gooseberry has a lot of importance in Ayurveda. Gooseberry is very good for heart, skin and hair health. It has a bitter and sweet taste.

What are the Benefits of Gooseberry Juice?
What are the Benefits of Gooseberry Juice?

The health benefits of Gooseberry are as follows:

  • Gooseberry juice is rich in minerals and vitamins such as carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and vitamin B complex
  • Gooseberry juice helps in reducing cholesterol levels. Amino acids and antioxidants aid in the overall functioning of heart.
  • It supports liver function and flushes out toxins from the body.
  • Amla is also rich in iron, calcium, phosphorous and hence can be taken as a complete nutritional drink.

Home remedies for gooseberry 

1.Drinking gooseberry juice with honey and turmeric powder can cure diabetes.

2 . Gooseberry is an excellent remedy for indigestion and loss of appetite.

3.A little sugar is added to green gooseberry juice and given to children to strengthen teeth and bones.

4.Grate gooseberry and apply it on the abdomen to relieve urinary obstruction.

5.Applying grate gooseberry on the scalp prevents hair fall and darkens the hair.

Click here for more health benefits and home remedies 

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