What are the benefits of olives?


What are the benefits of olives? olive is a healthy one. It is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, nutritions etc…. It helps to Prevent Cancer and support heart health. In olives make oil , in this low fats oil used to cook food. Cholesterol lowering in olives.

What are the benefits of olives
What are the benefits of olives
  1. Good Fat – Despite the common misperception, olives are not fattening. They contain mono-unsaturated fat, the same good fat you find in nuts and avocados. Mono-unsaturated fat in the diet increases good cholesterol. In research studies, when diets increase mono-unsaturated fat (without becoming too high in total fat), participants experienced a decrease in their blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and LDL:HDL ratio. All of this lowers risk of heart disease. Good stuff!
  2. Memory – Olives contain polyphenols, a natural chemical that reduce oxidative stress in the brain. By eating a daily serving of healthy olives you can help improve your memory. Remember that!
  3. Beauty – Eating healthy olives helps skin stay soft and healthy since they contain oleic acid. Eat olives = stay good-looking.
  4. Appetite control – By eating a few olives before a meal, you can take the edge off your appetite. This is because the monounsaturated fatty acids contained in healthy olives slow down the digestion process and stimulate the hormone cholecystokinin, which sends messages of fullness and satisfaction to the brain.
  5. Pain reduction – Olives oil contain oleocanthal, a substance with anti-inflammatory agents moreover that can act as a natural Ibuprofen.
  6. Anti Cancer – The fact that olives are an antioxidant-rich food and have anti-inflammatory properties make them a natural protection against cancer because chronic oxidative stress and chronic inflammation can be key factors in the development of cancer.besides  If our cells get overwhelmed by oxidative stress and chronic excessive inflammation, our risk of cell cancer is increased. By providing us with rich supplies of antioxidants and equally important to anti-inflammatory nutrients, olives can help us avoid this dangerous combination of chronic oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.
  7. Vitamin E – lastly Olives are a great source of vitamin E, which has the ability to neutralize free radicals in body fat. Especially when working with the stable monounsaturated fats found in olives, vitamin E can make cellular processes safer. If the DNA of a cell is damaged, it can mutate and become cancerous. Studies have shown that a diet supplemented with olives and olive oil leads to a lower risk of colon cancer, almost as low a risk as a diet rich in fish oil.

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