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Health Benefits of Milk Thistle

Health Benefits of Milk Thistle – The milk thistle, or Silybum marianum, is a flowering plant related to the daisy. The Mediterranean region is where milk thistle, sometimes called holy thistle or Mary thistle, thrives and is used by locals to create herbal treatments. Compounds in milk thistle may promote the health of the skin, liver, and bones as well as weight loss. Different milk thistle plant parts can be used to treat a range of medical issues. People drink it as tea, take it as a supplement, and occasionally mix it with skin lotions. Among its numerous advantages, milk thistle may potentially prevent insulin resistance and limit the spread of cancer.

Health Benefits of Milk Thistle

Reduce Diabetes

The use of milk thistle as a supplemental treatment for type 2 diabetes may be beneficial. One of the components in milk thistle may help increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar in a way that is similar to some diabetic medicines.

Prevent Brain Diseases

For more than two thousand years, people have used milk thistle as a traditional treatment for neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, it may be neuroprotective and slow the deterioration in brain function.

Improve Liver Health

Silymarin, a milk thistle key ingredient, may enhance liver function and lessen cirrhosis, or liver scarring, symptoms.

Breast Milk Production

Milk thistle can increase nursing moms’ ability to produce breast milk. It is believed to function by increasing the production of the hormone prolactin, which produces milk.

Treats Acne

Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, milk thistle may be a useful supplement for people with acne.

Good for Heart

Milk thistle may lessen the risk of developing heart disease by lowering LDL “bad” cholesterol levels. It can aid in preventing the medication’s potential negative effect of elevating liver enzymes.

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