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Home Remedies for Anemia

Home Remedies for Anemia- Anemia is a medical condition that occurs when the body does not have enough red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues. Anemia can be caused by a variety of factors such as a lack of iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid, blood loss, chronic disease or genetic conditions that affect red blood cell production.


The symptoms of anemia can include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, pale skin, dizziness and rapid heartbeat.

Home Remedies for Anemia

While there are several medical treatments for anemia there are also several home remedies that may help alleviate symptoms. Here are some of the home remedies for Anemia:

Iron-rich foods:

Include iron-rich foods in your diet such as spinach, lentils, beans, tofu, poultry, fish, red meat, nuts and seeds.

Vitamin C:

Consume foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, melons and dark leafy greens. Vitamin C can help improve iron absorption in the body.

Apple cider vinegar:

Drinking a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water can help increase iron absorption in the body.

Yoga and exercise:

Practicing yoga or engaging in regular exercise can help improve blood circulation and oxygenation.

Blackstrap molasses:

Blackstrap molasses is a sweetener that is high in iron and can be added to recipes or consumed directly.

Pomegranate juice:

Pomegranate juice is high in iron and can help increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Folic acid:

Consuming foods rich in folic acid such as leafy greens, liver and beans can help improve red blood cell production and alleviate symptoms of anemia.


Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that can help improve hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Milk and honey:

Drinking a mixture of warm milk and honey can help boost iron levels in the body.


Consuming barley which is rich in iron and other essential minerals can help boost red blood cell production and alleviate symptoms of anemia.

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Who we are and what do we do?

A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and enhance your knowledge. No side effects are the significant advantage of natural healing techniques. Natural healing techniques can reduce issues such as dependency and risks of complications. Besides, all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and often, they work much better.

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