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Home Remedies for Earaches

Home Remedies for Earaches- Earache is a common condition that refers to pain or discomfort in the ear. It can occur in one or both ears and can range from mild to severe. Earaches can be caused by various factors, such as ear infections, a build-up of earwax, sinus infections, allergies, injuries to the ear, changes in air pressure, or exposure to loud noises.


Symptoms of an earache can include pain or discomfort in the ear, a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear, difficulty hearing, and in some cases, fever or drainage from the ear.

Earaches can be treated with various home remedies, some of them are given below:

Warm Compress:

Apply a warm compress to the affected ear to reduce pain and inflammation.

Garlic Oil:

Garlic has natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help alleviate ear pain. Warm a few drops of garlic oil and put them in the affected ear.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and soak a cotton ball in the solution. Place the cotton ball in the affected ear to relieve pain.

Olive Oil:

Warm a small amount of olive oil and put a few drops in the affected ear. This can help to soothe and lubricate the ear canal.

Onion Juice:

Grate an onion and extract its juice. Warm the juice and put a few drops in the affected ear.


Heat up a small amount of salt in a pan, and then place it in a cloth. Apply the warm salt compress to the affected ear for pain relief.


Crush a few fresh basil leaves and extract their juice. Warm the juice and put a few drops in the affected ear.

Tea Tree Oil:

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil (such as olive or coconut oil). Apply the mixture to the outside of the ear canal.

Peppermint Oil:

Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil (such as olive or coconut oil). Apply the mixture to the outside of the ear canal.


Crush a small piece of ginger and extract its juice. Warm the juice and put a few drops in the affected ear.

Mullein Oil:

Mullein oil is an herbal remedy that has been used for centuries to relieve ear pain. Warm a few drops of mullein oil and put them in the affected ear.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Put a few drops of the solution in the affected ear to help remove ear wax and reduce pain.

Eucalyptus Oil:

Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil (such as olive or coconut oil). Apply the mixture to the outside of the ear canal.


Brew chamomile tea and let it cool. Soak a cotton ball in the tea and place it in the affected ear for pain relief.

Warm Water:

Gently irrigate the ear with warm water using a bulb syringe. This can help to remove any blockages and reduce pain.

Click here for more home remedies & health tips

Visit for ayurvedic treatment methods for different types of headaches.

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A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and enhance your knowledge. No side effects are the significant advantage of natural healing techniques. Natural healing techniques can reduce issues such as dependency and risks of complications. Besides, all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and often, they work much better.

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