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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hiccups

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hiccups – Hiccups are nothing more than recurrent spasms of your diaphragm’s (the breathing muscle behind the lungs) contractions, which are accompanied by a hic sound from your vocal cords. People of all ages frequently get the hiccups. Hiccups can affect anyone, and they typically don’t indicate a significant problem. Usually, hiccups go away on their own after a few minutes. Hiccups, however, can be a sign of underlying illnesses if they persist for a long time.

Most hiccups are harmless and go away on their own. But if you’re bothered by your hiccups, there are some easy home cures you may try. Hiccups have no impact on how well you live.

Causes of Hiccups

  • Overeating or eating too soon
  • Sparkling beverages
  • Spices in food
  • Drinking while under emotional stress or excitement
  • Being subjected to abrupt temperature changes

Here are some Home Remedies to get rid of Hiccups

  • Lemon – Some people season a lemon slice with a little salt. To shield your teeth from citric acid, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Hug your Knees – Choose a comfy spot to sit. Lean forward while bringing your knees to your chest. By applying pressure to the diaphragm, this also compresses the chest.
  • Ice Water – Drinking cold water slowly may help activate the vagus nerve.
  • Pinch your Nose – Breathe deeply and gradually in. Hold your breath, cover your mouth, and plug your nose. Then slowly exhale as if you were inflating a balloon. Your diaphragm and muscles may begin to assume you are breathing as a result of this. Finally, let out a leisurely breath by opening your mouth.
  • Hold the Breath – Some carbon dioxide can be effectively retained in the body by holding the breath for a short period of time. This works to stop the diaphragm’s spasms, which stops hiccups in their tracks.
  • Sugar – After placing a pinch of granulated sugar on your tongue, wait 5 to 10 seconds before swallowing.
  • Pat on the Back – Gently touch your back from behind your neck along your spine if you are excessively hiccupping. This prevents hiccups and aids in releasing tension in the diaphragm muscles.

Picture Courtesy :

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Who are we, and what do we do?

A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and grow your knowledge. No side effects are the biggest advantage of natural healing techniques. Other advantages are the issues of dependency, risk of complications, and side effects brought on by chemical medications can be reduced. In addition to all these, natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and in many cases, they work much better.

If you know of any effective home remedy, Please write to us.

Note:-If you have any pre-existing conditions, we always recommend you consult your doctor before doing any home remedy and treat yourself.

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