What are the benefits of tender coconut water?


Tender Coconut water is natureโ€™s rehydrating drink that has no added chemicals or harmful ingredients. It’s flesh has a jelly like consistency. The tender coconut water is rich in vitamins and minerals. Indonesia is the largest coconut producer in the world. An average tender coconut of five to seven months age contains around 500-750 ml of coconut water.

Benefits of tender coconut water

The amazing health benefits of tender coconut water are:

Regulates Bowel Movements: Tender coconut has soluble fiber. It eases bowel movement and prevents constipation.

Increases blood circulation: Tender coconut water contains arginine which helps in increasing the blood circulation to all the internal organs of the body.

Detoxification: It has properties that remove mineral toxins from the blood. It also helps in eliminating toxins accumulated in the intestine.

Aids weight loss: Tender coconut water is a very low-calorie drink and has no fat. It also helps in losing weight by removing excess water stored due to heavy sodium consumption.

Acts as general tonic: It is rich in essential nutrients vitamins and minerals. It can be given to kids and infants as a great a source of nutrition.

Anti-inflammatory properties: It can help reduce inflammation internally. It can also be externally applied on a rash to reduce inflammation. It is considered as an essential promoter of good health.

 Restore the essential electrolytes: Tender coconut water helps to restore the electrolytes and feel more refreshed.


Does coconut water make your skin glow?

The tender coconut water has vitamin C, K and A. It helps to stimulate collagen production for healthier-looking skin. The antioxidants keep skin soft and glowing.

Who should avoid tender coconut water?

Avoid those who have high levels of potassium in the blood.

What are the side effects of tender coconut water?

  • Not good for people vulnerable to allergies
  • May lower blood pressure
  • May increase blood sugar levels
  • May lead to diarrhea

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