What are the health benefits of tamarind leaves?


Tamarind leaves are commonly known as ‘Imli Patta’. The scientific name is Tamarindus Indica. It is a tall shade tree native to Africa but is widely grown in Asia as well. It is like sweet and sour, more like tangy flavour, which is extensively used in foods, beverages, and traditional medicines.

Tamarind leaves are small and fern-like leaflets with rounded edges. The leaves and bark extracts offer many health-enriching benefits. It have been used in Indian cuisine and Ayurvedic remedies. Moreover it gives a tart flavor to soups, curries & chutneys. Tamarind leaves have numerous health benefits.

Health benefits of tamarind leaves

Health benefits:

  • Control diabetes: It may help control the bodyโ€™s blood sugar levels and increase its insulin sensitivity.
  • Protects From Infections: Tamarind leaves are packed with vitamin C that helps to fight against infections.
  • Provides Relief From Hypertension: Tamarind leaves help to reduce high BP and lower the risks of stroke and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps to heals wounds: Tamarind leaves have antiseptic  properties that quicken wound healing. It also accelerate the generation of red, white blood cells and prevents other infections.
  • Relief From Menstrual Cramps: Tamarind leaves may lessen the pain and make periods more manageable. It has analgesic activity.

What are the uses of tamarind leaves?

 Tamarind leaves are used for sprains & swelling. They are also used for herbal medicine as well as for spicing up soups. It is also used as a tempering, paste or whole in different cuisines.

What is the benefits of tamarind leaves in Ayurveda?

 Tamarind leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used for oral health, prevents tooth damage, and genital infections.

What are the side effects of tamarind leaves?

Too much intake may lead to acid reflux. It acts as vasoconstrictor and lead to narrowing of the blood vessels.

Tamarind leaves are poisonous or not?

 Tamarind leaves are non-toxic substance. More over it has antioxidant property.

Which disease is cured by tamarind leaves?

It helps cure scurvy. It occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin C. Tamarind has high ascorbic level acid content that helps to make less severe.

Is Tamarind leaf good for diabetes?

It does not cause blood sugar levels to shoot up.

What is tamarind leaf tea good for?

It will improve heart health and cholesterol. It also helps to decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, thereby lowering the risk of atherosclerosis and reduce diastolic blood pressure.

Who should avoid tamarind?

Having tamarind along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low. 

Tamarind is good for liver or not?

Tamarind contains antioxidants called procyanidins that reduce radical damage to the liver.

Is tamarind good for kidney?

Tamarind has cleansing properties that help in detoxifying the kidney. The potassium content in tamarind is good enough to flush out the toxic elements that get deposited in the kidneys. 

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