What are the benefits of Broccoli?


What are the benefits of Broccoli? Broccoli (scientifically known as Brassila Oleracea var italica) from the mustard family (which includes cabbage, radish, cauliflower, etc..) is a form of cabbage that is green in colour. Broccoli has a few varieties like purple sprouting, broccoli rabe, calabrese and white sprouting in which calabrese is common. It is grown in ground, have edible flowering head and stalk and it is usually grown during cool seasons. It is packed with lots of nutrients and also offers many health benefits.

What are the benefits of Broccoli?
What are the benefits of Broccoli?

Nutritional content:-

  • Anti-oxidants
  • Soluble fiber
  • Vitamin C & K
  • Potassium
  • Raw broccoli contains 90% of water
  • Low calories
  • Folate
  • Small amount of iron and calcium

Note: Boiled broccoli has less nutrients. So to get almost all nutrients, either eat it as steamed or stir fried.

What are the benefits of Broccoli?

Good for children :

A special compound called Kaempferol present in broccoli helps in child’s growth and effective functioning.

Calcium content in broccoli enhances tooth and bone health in children.

Good for eye health :

Lutein and caroteniods in broccoli reduces the risk of eye disorders like Macular degeneration and Cataract in old individuals.

For healthy brain :

High amount of potassium in broccoli helps to maintain healthy nervous system and balanced brain functioning.

High amount of Vitamin-K and Choline in broccoli enhances memory and cognition.

Reduces cholestrol :

Soluble fibers in Broccoli breaks down cholestrol from the body.

Reduces inflammation :

Omega-3 fatty acids in broccoli is an anti-inflammatory element that helps to reduce inflammation.

Against cancer :

Chemical called Indol-3-carbol in broccoli enhances DNA repair and helps to block cancerous cells.

Side Efffects of Broccoli:-

  • High consumption of broccoli will make gas or bowel irritation.
  • Breast feeding and pregnant women have to eat broccoli in a minimum level due to allergic and gas problems.
  • Eating broccoli is not much suitable for person having thyroid issues, because it may interfere with production of thyroid hormone.

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