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Tips to Increase Breast Size

Tips to Increase Breast Size – There are several Ayurvedic treatments that can increase breast tissue growth and size. One of the most popular cosmetic operations performed on women worldwide is breast augmentation. Although a woman’s general health is unaffected by tiny or petite breasts, the woman may feel unsatisfied with how she looks as a result. This article provides some tips to increase breast size.

Here are some home remedies for breast enlargement

  • Fenugreek – Fenugreek stimulates the mammary glands, which promotes the growth of breast tissue. Make fenugreek powder and water into a paste and massage it into your breasts for 15 to 20 minutes. Use warm water to rinse. This will help you improve your breast size.
  • Fennel Seeds – Boil fennel seeds in water for 5 minutes, then strain and drink before it becomes cold. However, it must be noted that there is no conclusive evidence regarding the role of fennel seeds in breast enlargement.
  • Nuts – Nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats. These fats play a major role in building breast tissue, which is necessary for breast enlargement.
  • Lentils – Oestrogen, which can encourage the growth of breasts, is abundant in lentils. Soak red lentils in water for a few hours. Make it into a paste. Apply this paste to the breasts, wait an hour or until it dries completely, then rinse it off.
  • Massage – Adipose tissue and glandular tissue make up a woman’s breasts. Both of these tissues are stimulated by breast massage.
  • Soy Milk – High quantities of phytoestrogens are found in soy milk. Soymilk has the potential to raise prolactin and growth hormone levels in the body. Consume two cups of soymilk daily for quick results.

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