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Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd – Green-skinned bitter gourds have whitish to translucent flesh and a flavour befitting of their name. The two most popular bitter gourd varieties are Chinese and Indian variations, though there are other varieties as well. Bitter gourd is a high source of polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidants that may lower your risk for a variety of diseases.

Nutritional Properties of Bitter Gourd

  • Calories: 21
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 5 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Sodium: 6 milligrams

Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

Reduce Cholesterol Level

Bitter Gourd helps to lower cholesterol. A buildup of fatty plaque in your arteries brought on by high cholesterol levels can make your heart work harder to pump blood, raising your risk of heart disease.

Aids Weight Loss

It contains elements that stop your body from absorbing additional sugar. As a result, it aids in regulating and maintaining your body’s blood sugar levels.

Enhance Gut Health

Bitter gourd eating on a regular basis is beneficial for gut health. Constipation and stomachaches are among the digestive conditions it helps.

Treat Obesity

Bitter gourd’s straightforward yet exceptional nutrient profile makes it a suitable diet for weight loss.

Skin Health

Vitamin C level in bitter gourd is abundant. It also contains additional nutrients that support the synthesis of collagen, the protein that gives skin its flexibility and smoothness. Vitamin C is essential for maintaining wrinkle-free skin and avoiding early ageing.

Energy Booster

The energy and endurance levels of the body are increased when bitter gourd is regularly consumed in the diet.

Improves Immunity

The bitter gourd has a lot of antioxidant capabilities and is a great source of vitamin C. Due to it’s high concentration it improves immunity.

Manage Diabetes

One of the most significant and well-known health advantages of bitter gourd is this. There are three active ingredients in it that have anti-diabetic actions.

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