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How is brown rice good for you?

Brown rice is common in Indian households, but how is it good for you? Brown rice is whole rice since the milling process only removes the outermost layer (the husk), leaving the remaining layers intact. White rice milling removes all layers (husk, bran layer, and germ layer), leaving only the starchy endosperms. Brown rice has many health benefits. It contains several vitamins, nutritional fibres, bran oil, and critical dietary elements in the bran and germ layers. As a result, white rice is deficient in essential nutrients, whereas brown rice is abundant in them.


How is brown rice good for you?
  • Brown rice is an excellent source of vitamins (folate and vitamins B2, B3, B5, and B6), meeting our bodies’ vitamin needs to a large extent.
  • It also contains minerals including iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium, all of which have several health benefits.
  • This whole grain has a surprising amount of manganese. Manganese is essential for several functions in our bodies, including bone growth, muscular contraction, nervous system function, and wound healing.
  • Brown rice is abundant in fibers, lignans, and magnesium minerals, which help to keep our hearts healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • This whole grain is gluten-free, making it an excellent choice for those who are intolerant or allergic to gluten-containing foods.
  • It is high in antioxidants (flavonoids and phenolic chemicals), which protect our bodies from oxidative stress.
  • It has a lower glycemic index (GI), which aids in blood sugar control.
  • As opposed to white rice, this is a fiber-rich whole grain that aids with weight management.

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