What are the home remedies for lice?


Head lice is a widespread problem in school-aged children and people who do not maintain proper hair care. Lice are microscopic parasites that reside in hair and feed on blood and nutrients from the scalp. They weaken the hair and eventually cause it to fall out. Here are a few excellent home remedies for lice removal and hair health.


1. Garlic-Lemon mix

Garlic and Lemon for lice removal

Garlic contains powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities that can help prevent hair infections.
Take a couple of garlic cloves. Using a kitchen grinder, crush these garlic cloves into a fine paste and pour through a sieve. Add half a lemon’s juice into this garlic essence. Mix thoroughly, then apply to the scalp and leave for at least two hours before showering. Do it three times a week for best results.

2. Coconut oil and Camphor

Coconut oil and camphor for lice removal

This is a really easy cure. You will need 200 ml of coconut oil, which you should pour into a clean bottle. You will also need camphor, which is readily accessible in all Indian grocery stores. Drop a small camphor pill into the oil and swirl vigorously until it dissolves. Camphor has medicinal benefits and should be used in moderation; do not use more than one pill for the prescribed amount of oil, and massage the scalp with this oil every day for best results.

3. Onion juice

Onion for lice removal

This remedy is extremely effective not just for lice removal but also for hair growth. Take a medium-sized onion beam and dice it to make a fine paste. Once the paste is done, squeeze the juice out and apply it to the scalp with a cotton ball. Leave it overnight and shampoo the next day if possible. Doing it at least twice a week can successfully remove all the lies and speed up the growth of your hair. If the onion smell bothers you, try a lemon cleanser after the shampoo.

4. Neem and Mustard oil

Neem and Mustard oil

Wash a handful of fresh neem leaves and ground them into a fine pulp. Mustard oil now enters the picture; head lice despise mustard oil and would gladly say goodbye to your hair. Combine two tablespoons mustard oil and two tablespoons neem extract. Apply to the hair roots and let on for at least two to three hours before shampooing. Repeat three times each week for effective results.

5. Essential oils

Essential oils for lice removal

Schoolchildren are especially vulnerable to lice and other infections as a mix up with other kids, and also because, unlike others, they have sensitive skin and should be treated accordingly. Peppermint and tea tree essential oils are both good against hair infections and safe for children. Mustard oil is also recommended for the best effects. In a bowl, combine two spoons of mustard oil and five drops of any of these essential oils. Remember that essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used sparingly. Mix it everything together and massage it into your scalp every day, followed by a lice comb.

Homemade pure Tulsi and neem oil can also help with lice, dandruff, and hair loss.


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A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and enhance your knowledge. No side effects are the significant advantage of natural healing techniques. Natural healing techniques can reduce issues such as dependency and risks of complications. Besides, all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and often, they work much better.

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