How to remove uric acid from your body


How to remove uric acid from your body? It’s common to hear advice like “increase your calcium intake” when it comes to joint pain. You can also use certain ointments to obtain immediate relief from joint pain or you can exercise regularly to get rid of joint discomfort. However, have you ever heard of the idea of getting rid of uric acid from your body to relieve joint pain? Yes, this is true. therefore, a natural technique to treat joint pain is to get rid of extra uric acid from your body. Remove extra uric acid from the body as a quick fix for joint pain. But how can you get rid of the body’s extra uric acid?

How to remove uric acid from your body

Here is a recipe for a powerful juice that eliminates uric acid from the body and alleviates pain in your joints.


  • Pineapple
  • Cucumber
  • Grapefruit
  • Ginger
  • Water

Remove the skin from the pineapple and cut it into small pieces. Peel and chop the cucumber, as well as cut and grate the grapefruit and ginger. In a blender, combine all of the ingredients and blend until a thick paste forms. Mix 2-3 tsp of this paste into 1 cup of water and drink. Consume this drink daily before meals to eliminate uric acid and relieve joint pain.

How can this drink help to eliminate uric acid and relieve joint pain?

Cucumber, used in this, is a diuretic and helps prevent kidney stones. It lessens the influence of uric acid on our bodies and helps to avoid irritation and inflammation caused by arthritis, asthma, and gout. It also removes uric acid from your joints and helps joint pain.Ginger aids in the elimination of toxins from the body and lowers inflammation. Grapefruit is high in vitamin C, which fights inflammation and provides relief from joint pain. Pineapple’s high bromelain content soothes pain and, due to its relaxing impact, provides rapid relief from inflammation. Instead of rushing to the pharmacy and taking pain relievers, consider this natural cure for joint pain alleviation.

Picture and information credits: How To Remove Uric Acid from Your Body & Reduce Joint Pain With This Juice

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