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Health Benefits of Eggs

Health Benefits of Eggs- Eggs are a common food item that are laid by female animals of many different species including birds, reptiles and some mammals. In the context of human nutrition, the most commonly consumed eggs are chicken eggs which are oval-shaped with a hard, calcified shell that protects the soft, gelatinous yolk and white inside. The yolk is rich in fat and nutrients like vitamin A and D while the white contains protein and a small amount of other nutrients. Eggs can be cooked in a variety of ways including boiling, frying, scrambling and baking and are a versatile ingredient used in many recipes.

Health Benefits of Eggs

Here are some amazing and potential health benefits of Eggs:

Rich in nutrients:

Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, choline and selenium.

Boosts brain function:

Choline is an essential nutrient found in eggs that helps to support brain function and memory.

Promotes weight loss:

Eating eggs can help you feel full for longer periods of time which can help to control your overall calorie intake.

Promotes healthy skin and hair:

The vitamins and minerals found in eggs can help to promote healthy skin and hair.

Supports healthy vision:

Eggs are a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that can help to support healthy vision and reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases.

Promotes muscle mass:

The high-quality protein in eggs can help to support muscle growth and repair.

Boosts energy levels:

The protein and healthy fats in eggs can help to provide sustained energy throughout the day.

Supports healthy pregnancy:

Eggs are a good source of folate, a nutrient that is important for healthy fetal development during pregnancy.

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