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Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet

Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet – Foxtail millets, scientifically known as Setaria Italica is a member of the millet family. Italian millet and German millet are the other popular names of foxtail millets. They are tiny seeds, covered in a thin crispy hull and available in yellowish-brown colour. Generally, foxtail millets are used as a feed for love birds, without knowing their high nutritional value. But their high nutritious content and gluten-free nature make them a better substitute for rice and grain products.

China is the origin place of foxtail millets and they generally grow in drought-like conditions, which means they need less amount of water. Within 90 days, foxtail millets can be harvested.

It is very good for children, pregnant ladies, old-age people and it is one of the best millet against many diseases.

It has a sweet and nutty flavour and it can be consumed either raw or like rice, foxtail millet can be cooked and eaten with dal or other side dishes.

Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet
Foxtail Millet

Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet:-

  • Triggers Weight Loss: High amount of Tryptophan in foxtail millet avoids hunger pangs, thereby preventing excessive intake of fat into the body.
  • Improves Immunity: Power house of nutrients in this millet helps to fight against infection and boosts stamina and immunity.
  • Formation of Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine: Glutan-free, rich protein content and low fibre helps to the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which transfers messages between muscle and nerves.
  • Strengthens Nervous System: High vitamin B1 content helps to prevent neurological disorders. The rich content of iron also reduces the chances of developing Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Anti-oxidant called polyphenol helps to reduce oxidative stress in the brain, thereby protecting the overall nervous system and brain.
  • For Bone Health: Rich content of iron and calcium in foxtail millet helps to maintain the health of bones and muscles. Phosphorus along with these minerals, prevents brittle bones, inflammation, arthritis, etc.
  • Against Diabetes-2: Anti-oxidants in it, are very much effective against diabetes-2. They have a medium glycaemic index, that helps in managing diabetes.
  • Lowers Bad Cholesterol: Complex carbohydrates and protein in foxtail millet reduce bad cholesterol, Lower Density Lipoprotein (LDL), and increase good cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL).
  • Glutan-Free: Because of its gluten-free nature, it is safe for allergic and celiac patients.
  • Prevents Cancer: Phytochemicals may prevent the growth of cancer-causing cells.
  • Against Digestive Disorders: Fibre content in foxtail millets improves digestive functions and helps to prevent gas trouble, constipation, stomach pain, etc.

Note: Try to eat foxtail millet after soaked in water. Also, thyroid patients should avoid eating foxtail millets, because it contains goitrogen as they inhibit the iodine utilization in our body.

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