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Home Remedies For Curing Ringworm Fastly

Home Remedies For Curing Ringworm Fastly – Ringworm is a common skin disease that is caused by the growth of a special type of fungus on skin called Dermatophytes (not caused by any worm). This is a type of infection and it can affect any part of our skin, even our nails and hairs too.

It present as itchy rash and slowly spreads to other body surfaces. Due to the ring-like appearance of the rashes, this skin disease is popularly known as ringworm. This disease has many other names depending on the area they infect, like jock itch, athlete’s foot, etc..

Ringworm is highly contagious infection, that means it can easily pass from an infected person to another by sharing personal belongings or skin to skin contact.

Home Remedies For Curing Ringworm Fastly
Home Remedies For Curing Ringworm Fastly

Causes of Ringworm :

  • Petting an animal like cat, dog, etc. infected with ringworm.
  • Touching soil infected with ringworm
  • Using am infected object like towel, comb, etc..

Symptoms of Ringworm :

  • Ring-shaped rashes.
  • Hair loss.
  • Itchy bumps on the skin.
  • Itchy skin

Home Remedies For Curing Ringworm Fastly :

Knowing how a ringworm spreads helps in preventing the infection. The best thing for preventing ringworm is to keep your skin clean and dry. Eventhough there are many oral medications and creams available for its treatment, we can also cure mild types of ringworm naturally. Here are some easy natural ways for it..

  1. Take half teaspoon of powdered turmeric in a bowl and add enough water into this to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the rashes and keep it for atleast 15 minutes and then wash it off.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar in a bowl and add some salt to it. Make it into a paste and apply it on the rashes. Leave it for minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Do this for 1 week.
  3. Crush a few cloves of garlic with a little water and make it into a paste. Then apply it on the rashes for 10 minutes and then wash it off.
  4. Crush some basil leaves until its juice is formed. Collect the juice in a bowl and apply it on the rashes. Let it dry and then wash it off. Do this several times a day.
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See also :

Home remedy for hair fall and hair loss.

How to maintain a healthy set of nails?

Why am I always thirsty?

Visit for ayurvedic treatment methods

Who are we, and what do we do?

A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and grow your knowledge. No side effects are the biggest advantage of natural healing techniques. Other advantages are the issues of dependency, risk of complications, and side effects brought on by chemical medications can be reduced. In addition to all these, natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and in many cases, they work much better.

If you know of any effective home remedy, Please write to us.

Note:- If you have any pre-existing conditions, we always recommend you consult your doctor before doing any home remedy and treat yourself.

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