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Home Remedies for Severe Toothache

Home Remedies for Severe Toothache – If you have a toothache, it is important to figure out what is the root cause of your discomfort. Then you can determine how to best relieve any pain, swelling, or other symptoms.

Home Remedies for Severe Toothache
Home Remedies for Severe Toothache

There are different home remedies available which can reduce sever toothache

1. Salt water rinse…it can help loosen food particles and debris that may be stuck in between your teeth…

2. Hydrogen peroxide rinse…can reduce plaque and heal bleeding gums…

3. Peppermint tea bags…can be used to numb pain and soothe sensitive gums…

4. Cold compress…

5. Garlic…

6. Vanilla extract…

7. Clove…

8. Guava leaves

Please check out some ottamoolies for toothache

Who we are and what do we do?

A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and grow your knowledge. No side effects is the biggest advantage of natural healing techniques. issues such as dependency, risk of complications and side effects bring along by chemical medications. In addition to all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and in many cases, they work much better.

Note: If you have any preexisting conditions always recommend you consult with your doctor before doing any home remedy and treat yourself.

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