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Home remedies for toothache

Home remedies for toothache -Toothache is a major problem that often bothers people. Moreover Severe toothache even affects sleep. People try a variety of medications when they have an unbearable toothache. But none of these may be a permanent solution . Below are some effective ways to get rid of toothache through natural ways without relying on markets .

Home remedies for toothache
Home remedies for toothache

Home remedies for toothache

1 .firstly Grind sesame seed and dry ginger mix it with milk and hold it on your cheeks in little heat.


Sesame seeds contain pain relieving properties and so These helps to reduce the pain quickly.

2. secondly Apply ginger juice and honey on the painful area.


Ginger helps to reduce pain .

3. Warm salt water hold on your cheeks.

Salt water

Salt water Helps to reduce swollen.

4.Hold your cheeks with boiled water with guava leaves.

Guava leaf

Guava leaf Prevents infection .

5.Brush your teeth with jackfruit tree leaves.

6 . Tie a piece of asafoetida in a cloth then place it on the painful tooth and bite it.

7. Crush the kosher salt and black pepper then place it on the cheek under the painful teeth .

8. Crush a clove and bite it on an aching tooth.


Cloves have the ability to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. moreover due to this, the pain decreases quickly.

9. Crush turmeric and garlic, then place it on the painful tooth .


Garlic also contains antibacterial properties that help kill bacteria and reduce pain.


Turmeric contains components that are capable of killing viruses, bacteria, etc. And also It destroys the germs and helps in giving the teeth complete health .

10. Finally Crush a stalk of black pepper and place it on the toothache.

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Who are we, and what do we do?

A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and enhance your knowledge. No side effects are the significant advantage of natural healing techniques. Natural healing techniques can reduce issues such as dependency and risks of complications. Besides, all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and often, they work much better.

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