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What are the health benefits of Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit, also known as strawberry pear, is a tropical fruit known for its vibrant red skin and sweet seed speckled pulp. Its unique appearance and claimed beneficial powers have made it popular among foodies and the health conscious. Known as pitaya in Hindi, this fruit has an intriguing appearance. The scaly outer layer protects a white or red fleshy interior layer studded with black seeds, which is tasty and refreshing. Dragon fruit is a nutritional powerhouse with numerous health-promoting benefits.

The best way to enjoy dragon fruit is to eat it raw. All you have to do is peel the scaly outer layer and then slice the inside flesh to your taste, or scoop it out with a spoon. Add it to your fruit bowl or drizzle it with honey for a quick snack. Because it blends nicely with various flavors, it is also widely used to shake up mock tails and other beverages. Here are some of the health benefits of Dragon Fruit:

What are the health benefits of Dragon Fruit?


1. A low cholesterol level:

Dragon fruit is particularly low in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats. Regular consumption of the fruit can not only be refreshing, but it can also help you maintain a healthy heart in the long run. If you are on a weight loss program, it may be a good idea to include it in your diet. Furthermore, the seeds present in the fruit are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for your health.

2. Cardiovascular health:

People are having more difficulty maintaining cardiovascular health; however, this fruit has an extraordinary talent that helps lower bad cholesterol levels while replenishing healthy levels. Dragon fruit is high in monounsaturated fats, which assist the heart stay in a healthy state.

3. Reduces arthritis:

Arthritis affects the joints directly, causing significant discomfort and immobility. Including dragon fruit in your diet will help you combat these symptoms. The benefits of dragon fruit for arthritis sufferers are so tremendous that it is widely referred to as the anti-inflammatory fruit.

4. Skin care:

Because of its high antioxidant and vitamin content, the exotic fruit is commonly used in natural beauty remedies. Ancient beauty practices in Southeast Asian countries believe that making a paste of dragon fruit flesh and applying it regularly to the face can help slow down the ageing process, making you look younger.

5. Supports intestinal health:

Microorganisms in your gut may effect your health; abnormalities in your gut have been linked to illnesses such as asthma and heart disease. Because dragon fruit contains prebiotics, it may help to increase the balance of healthy bacteria in your stomach. Prebiotics are a type of fiber that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Like all fibers, your gut cannot break them down, but the bacteria in your gut can digest them. The bacteria use the fiber as fuel for growth, and you reap the benefits. Dragon fruit, in particular, promotes the growth of two families of healthy bacteria – Lactic acid bacteria and beefy bacteria. Consuming prebiotics on a regular basis may lower your risk of infection in your digestive tract.

6. High in antioxidants:

Dragon fruit has a vibrant color, which indicates that it is high in phytonutrients, which can give you with your daily dose of antioxidants. Antioxidants aid in the battle against free radicals, which can harm your cells and potentially cause cancer. A high-antioxidant diet is claimed to keep your heart healthy and your skin young.

7. Fights diabetes:

The high fiber content of dragon fruit can help regulate diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing sugar surges; but, as with any dietary adjustments or modifications, always consult your doctor to ensure this is a good meal for you.

8. Boosts your immune system:

Your body’s ability to fight infection is determined by a variety of factors, including the quality of your diet. The vitamin C and carotenoids in dragon fruit may boost your immune system and prevent infection by protecting your white blood cells from damage. White blood cells in your immune system attack and destroy harmful substances, but they are extremely sensitive to damage from free radicals.

9. Fiber-rich: 

Dietary fibers are non digestible carbohydrates with a long list of potential health advantages. Dragon fruit is a great whole food source, and while fiber is probably best known for its role in digestion, studies has suggested it may also play a role in heart disease prevention, keeping a healthy body weight and controlling type 2 diabetes.

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