What are the benefits of flax seeds?


Flax, also known as common flax or linseed, is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is a fiber crop cultivated in cooler regions of the world. The seeds are golden yellow to reddish-brown in colour. Flax seeds contain phytoestrogen which is similar to estrogen. It have oil and soluble fibre and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Health benefits of falx seeds:

  • Lowers blood pressure: Studies found that flax seeds reduced blood pressure, when taken for 12 weeks or more. It has a rich dietary source of linolenic acid, lignans, and fiber.
  • Improve Cardiovascular Health: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Flax seeds protects heart health in several ways. It helps reduce the total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Improves Digestive Health: Flax seeds provide good amount of fibre. It prevents constipation and manage weight. Moreover flax seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which improves bowel movements.
  • Reduce Cancer Risk: Some research shows that flax seeds may reduce the risk or spread of certain cancers. Its high fiber content can lower the chances of developing colorectal cancer. Moreover it also protect against the development of breast cancer.
  • Improve Blood Sugar: It helps to reduce the blood sugar levels and significant improvement in insulin sensitivity.
  • Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Flax seeds contains a good source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).  It is a type of omega-3 fatty acid which is good for heart health. It may also help reduce inflammation and prevent cholesterol.

Nutritional facts of grounded flax seeds(7 grams):

  • Carbs: 2 grams
  • Fat: 3 grams
  • Calories: 37
  • Protein: 1.3 grams
  • Thiamine: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Copper: 9% of the DV
  • Manganese: 8% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 7% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 4% of the DV
  • Selenium: 3% of the DV
  • Zinc: 3% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 2% of the DV
  • Iron: 2% of the DV
  • Folate: 2% of the DV

Flax Seeds โ€“ Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Does flax seeds help lose belly fat?

No, flax seeds cannot help reduce belly fat. It will keep the digestive system in good health and help remove bloating.

How many flax seeds should I eat a day?

Having 4 tablespoons (30 grams) per day may decrease levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol by 15%.

Is flax seed good for females?

Yes, flax seed is suitable for women. It helps maintain the normal length between the ovulation and menstruation. It also helps to maintain the hormonal balance and improvement in PCOS.

What happens if I eat flax seeds every day?

Flax seeds are a good source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. It helps to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, weight loss and so on.

What are the side effects of flax seed?

Flax seeds do have a few side effects. It includes gas, constipation, stomach aches, diarrhoea, intestinal obstruction, or allergies.

Who should not take flaxseed?

Avoid taking large amounts of flaxseed if you have hormone-sensitive cancers or conditions.

Is flaxseed safe for kidneys?

If consumed in moderation, it won’t effect the kidneys.

When should flaxseed be avoided?

Avoid using flax seed during pregnancy. It might cause allergic reaction.

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