Home remedies to reduce cholesterol


One of the major lifestyle diseases we battle is high cholesterol. The prevalence rate is rising everyday, and regular medication use may have additional side effects. So, the following are some natural home remedies to reduce cholesterol.

Home remedies to reduce cholesterol

What exactly is cholesterol? What does it do?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It’s not necessarily “bad.” It is essential by your body to create cells, as well as to produce vitamins and other hormones. However, too much cholesterol can be harmful. Let’s see what the two types of cholesterol are.

  • Low Density Lipoprotein
    LDL cholesterol transporters transport cholesterol from the liver to the remainder of the body. Cells attach themselves to these particles and remove fat and cholesterol from them. When the blood contains an excessive amount of LDL cholesterol, these particles can create deposits in the walls of the coronary arteries and other arteries throughout the body. Plaque is a type of deposit that can narrow vessels and reduce blood flow. When atherosclerosis ruptures, it can result in a heart attack or stroke. As a result, LDL cholesterol is frequently referred to as “bad” or “harmful” cholesterol.

  • High-density lipoproteins
    High-density lipoproteins (HDL) remove cholesterol from the bloodstream, LDL, and artery walls and transport it to the liver for elimination. Consider HDL to be the garbage vehicles of the bloodstream. HDL cholesterol is also known as “good” or “protective” cholesterol.

Everyday cholesterol medications can have a variety of other side effects that affect your overall well-being. So, let’s take a look at some home remedies to reduce cholesterol levels.


1. Increase the intake of garlic

Garlic, with its distinct aroma and flavor, is a common ingredient in Indian kitchen. Garlic has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant qualities by nature. According to some studies, eating one clove of garlic per day, or 3-6 g, can decrease cholesterol levels by 10%. Alliin is a substance found in raw garlic cloves. When subjected to air, alliin transforms into allicin, a Sulphur-based compound. Garlic gets its unique odor from allicin. Allicin has been linked to a variety of health advantages, including lower LDL cholesterol, improved immunity, and lower blood pressure.

2. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are “healthy fats” that may benefit your cardiovascular health. One significant advantage is that it can help reduce your triglycerides. DHA and EPA (found in seafood) are two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids. (found in plants). Fatty seafood (such as salmon and mackerel), flaxseed, and chia seeds are some foods that can help you add omega-3s to your diet. There is compelling evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can substantially lower blood triglyceride levels, thereby lowering cholesterol.

3. Exercise and increase in physical activity

Exercise has been shown to lower triglycerides. Moderate physical exercise can aid in the increase of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or “good” cholesterol. Work up to at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous aerobic action three times a week, with your doctor’s approval. Walking, running, cycling, and swimming are all forms of exercise that can help a person reduce their total and LDL cholesterol levels. It has been discovered that brisk walking is the most efficient in lowering cholesterol.

4. Quit Smoking

Smoking raises LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol in the blood while decreasing HDL, or “healthy” cholesterol.
In turn, elevated cholesterol levels in your blood can cause plaque to accumulate in your arteries, causing them to narrow. This raises the chances of developing heart illness, having a heart attack, or having a stroke. Smoking and elevated cholesterol are a particularly risky combination for your heart. However, quitting smoking can significantly reduce your cholesterol levels and improve your overall health.

5. Lose Weight

Carrying extra weight increases the likelihood of having a high level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as “bad cholesterol,” in your blood. Even a small-to-moderate weight reduction of 10 to 20 pounds can make a difference. Look for methods to incorporate more activity into your daily routine, which could assist in calorie burning and weight loss.

6. Focus on Monosaturated Foods

Replacing saturated fats in the diet with monounsaturated fats may reduce blood levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. They can help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol, lowering your chance of heart disease and stroke. Monounsaturated fats are also helpful in the development and maintenance of your cells. Nuts, avocado, canola oil, olive oil, safflower oil (high oleic), sunflower oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil are all rich in monounsaturated fats.

7. Avoid Trans Fat

Trans fat is regarded as the worst form of fat to consume. It is also known as trans-fatty acids, increase “bad” cholesterol while decreasing “good” cholesterol. Trans fats raise LDL cholesterol while decreasing HDL cholesterol, increasing the chance of a heart attack or stroke.
Read labels attentively and avoid trans fats in foods – Snack foods (including cakes, pies, and donuts), and processed foods (including fast foods). Choose healthier oils when cooking, such as olive, canola, or another liquid veggie oil. Prefer to use only a small quantity of butter when blending olive oil and butter for a buttery flavor.

8. Avoid Refined Sugars

The additional sugars in your daily diet, from your morning cup of sweetened coffee to the soda you have with dinner, may eventually have an adverse effect on your cholesterol levels. When you consume too much sugar, your liver produces more LDL while producing less HDL. Additionally, sugar prevents your body’s ability to break down and eliminate triglycerides by blocking an enzyme. Additionally, having high triglyceride numbers combined with high LDL and low HDL can cause fatty build-up in the arteries and increase your risk of developing heart disease, having a heart attack, or having a stroke.

Note: If you have any pre-existing conditions, or persistent symptoms always recommend you consult with your doctor before doing any home remedy and treating yourself.

For more remedies, visit: https://homeremedist.com/

For ayurvedic treatment methods, visit: http://ottamoolist.com



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A one-stop website for home remedies to help others and enhance your knowledge. No side effects are the significant advantage of natural healing techniques. Natural healing techniques can reduce issues such as dependency and risks of complications. Besides, all these natural home remedies are cheaper, safer and often, they work much better.

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