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Health Benefits of Daikon

Health Benefits of Daikon – Daikon, part of turnip family is a mild flavoured winter radish and it has fast growing leaves and long white root. Scientifically daikon is known as Raphanus Sativa and it is locally known as mooli. Southeast and Continental East Asia are the most common places in which daikon is popular.

Daikon is considered as one of the most nutritious type of radish. Leaves of daikon is also edible and contain large amount of Carotene, Vitamin B,C and E.

The interesting fact is that, different parts of the daikon tast differently. That means, the top part of daikon close to the stem is juicy and has sweet taste. Middle part is dry and very mild in flavour. Bottom part is dry and has spicy taste.

Health Benefits of Daikon

Nutritional Content :-

  • Carbs – 4g
  • Fiber – 2g
  • Protein – 1g
  • Fat – .0g
  • Sugar – 3g
  • Calcium – 27mg
  • Calories – 18-20
  • Vitamin C – 22mg
  • Water – 94%
  • Phosphorus – 227mg
  • Omega 3 fatty acids – 29mg

Health Benefits of Daikon :-

  • Management of Type -2 Diabetes : Its slow absorption property into blood stream prevents sugar cravings.
  • For Weight Loss : Low calorie content in daikon makes the feeling of full and thus satisfies hunger.
  • Improves Respiratory Health : Anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of daikon help in healing respiratory issues. Also its juice cleans excess phlegm and also eliminate bacteria and other pathogens from our respiratory system.
  • Improves Digestion : It improves digestion because it produces enzymes like amylase and esterase that helps for easy digestion of complex compounds.
  • Detoxifies Body : Diuretic nature of daikon helps to keep kidneys clean and effective functioning by stimulating the elimination of excess toxins and fats through urination.
  • Prevents Cancer : Anti-oxidant phenolic compounds in daikon reduce the chances of various types of cancer. Nitrosamine, a specific compound present in it, prevents the development of cancer causing subsatances.
  • Enhances Immune System : High content of Vitamin-C boostens immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells.
  • For bone health : Rich calcium content enhances bone health.

Note : People who have IBS and gallstones should avoid eating daikons

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