What are the benefits of coconut water?


Coconut water is a refreshing health drink. It has a mild sweet & nutty flavour. Coconut water is a transparent fluid contains sugar and electrolytes. It is low in calories and sodium but rich in potassium. Tender coconut water is also high in electrolytes like potassium and low in sodium. It is found in green coconuts. Coconut water is the best rejuvenating drink for hydration.

Health Benefits of Coconut water:

  • Good for Heart Health: Coconut water may lower total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. It raises good cholesterol levels.
  • Prevents Constipation: The magnesium content in coconut water helps in digestion and keeps the gut healthy.
  • Aids in Weight Loss: Coconut water also contains fewer calories that may lead to weight loss.
  • Good for Skin: Coconut water keeps the body hydrated. The antioxidants in coconut water keeps the skin radiant and it also have anti-ageing effects.  
  • Prevention of Kidney Stones: Coconut water is an excellent choice in preventing kidney stones. It flushes the chloride and citrate in the urine that helps lower the risk of stones.
  • Rich in Amino Acids: Amino acids are molecules that combine to form proteins. It aids in the maintenance of healthy heart and immune system.
  • Lowers Blood sugar: The magnesium content in coconut water may help improve insulin sensitivity. In addition, it will decrease blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.
  • Healthy Post Workout Drink: Coconut water is similar to a sports drink. It is low in calories and carbohydrates. The electrolytes in coconut water boost hydration and good for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much coconut water should I drink a day?

One to two cups per day

Is coconut water healthier than water?

Coconut water is a low calorie refreshing drink. It has multiple benefits. But it is necessary to consume water to meet the daily fluid needs.

What is the best time to drink coconut water?

Drinking coconut water early in the morning is an ideal time to provide energy as well as weight loss.

What happens if you drink coconut water on an empty stomach?

It will helps to improve immunity, digestion and metabolism.

Is coconut water good for kidneys?

Coconut water is an electrolyte-filled natural drink. The antioxidants present in coconut water regulate the kidney functions in the body. It also helps to eliminate the toxins in the body.

Is coconut good for the liver?

Coconut water is rich in antioxidants. It helps to flush out the toxins in the body.

Can diabetic patients drink coconut water?

Coconut water helps control blood sugar level. Note: Diabetic patients should consult a healthcare provider before consuming coconut water. 

What are the side effects of coconut water?

Too much intake of coconut water may lead to excess potassium content in blood, which may cause diarrhea in some people.

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